Friday, August 9, 2024

Hey energy lovers! I will not be participating but I will be cheering on the thousands of athletes participating in the last IRONMAN CANADA to be held in Penticton, BC. (August 24-25, 2024). Some may recall that I, (solo female) completed Penticton’s first IMC in 1983! I will be staying with Jean and Steve King and hanging out with the so beloved and totally amazing Sister Madonna Buder.
August 9 2024 and I look once more at my blog Very out of date to say the least! Today is the day I am endeavouring to resuscitate my social media links and see how to make my experiences and messages come alive, be real, etc... How many years has it been? ok, I have been busy living out there and now is the time to pull back and be a bit more circumspect. I could start another blog but let me just work on this one for now. If you are reading this please encourage me!!
I'll just pop up a photo of the delicious birthday cake that the Childhaven home children gave me in April when I was teaching english in their Bangladesh and Nepal homes 'n schools. I realy miss the warmth, fun and learning shared from March through June this year (2024).

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Let me get back at this social media thing!! testing testing testing. May 1, 2024, Labour Day in Nepal!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Over a year later - Tyson!

November 22, 2019

Just over a month ‘til Christmas and here is my annual round robin intended to reach out to family and friends.  First, to wish you as much of a joyful and peaceful Christmas as you can muster and share with those around you.  Second, to say that, thankfully, all is well here on the Western Front.

To look back at 2019, it has been quite a year for me, and for just about everyone I know.

My Grandson Tyson is a strong and sturdy almost fourteen-month old love of Arran and Teresa’s life.  He is developing nicely, crawling, standing, reaching, pulling, pushing, pressing, twisting and turning the many educational toys that they have in the house.  He loves books and it is delightful to watch as he listens attentively when Teresa and Arran read him stories.  He decides which book should be read and turns the pages, one by one, and then back to the beginning for reconsideration and to have it read again.   Often, when asked, Tyson points out the subject being discussed.  Yes, Tyson brings joy to us all with his love of life. He is totally present!  He is a lesson to us all!  I see them every one or two weeks and A and T keep me up to date daily with clips, videos and Facetime visits of Tyson’s development.   

Despite Tyson’s current challenges, which will have to be faced as time goes on, Teresa and Arran live each day fully with their son.  I cannot tell you how proud I am of my son!   Tyson’s first surgery will be scheduled sometime in January and the first bone issues will be dealt with, as the surgeons deem appropriate.  We, Tyson’s families and best friends, trust that whatever intervention is necessary Tyson will continue to show us how determined, strong and brave an individual he is. 

In July my school friend Jasmine shocked us with having a sudden stroke and then another.  By the time I returned to Ireland Jasmine was in a coma.  I was with her and her family for the last few days of her life.  Jasmine died on October 29 and, three days later, my one hundred year old Auntie Evelyn passed away.  It was a total privilege to be home for these two events and spend time with members of two very special families.

In August, after avid fundraising, and thanks so much to those who contributed, I joined a group of over 100 cyclists and we completed the annual 225k BC Ride for Cancer.  We cycled from Vancouver to Hope, B.C.

I am quite an avid ‘yogi’ and 2 or 3 times a week I get up at 4:30 to join others in a 6:30 a.m. early morning Sanga yoga class.  I continue to teach English at home and, once a week, I volunteer as a teacher assisting elementary children in their “One to One” reading/literacy program.  I also volunteer as a ‘Family Support Person’ at the Children’s’ Hospital here in Vancouver. 

Oh yes, from August through to the beginning of November, I worked for the cruise ships coming into and leaving the Port of Vancouver.  It was a fun and interesting job.  Even though I cannot do it myself, it felt good to assist people going to exotic places on cruise lines!!  I have been asked to return next year.

Another hat! For the past month I have been assisting a delightful 34 year old refugee from Rwanda.  I have been host cum Mom cum facilitator cum good friend to Jean Bosco.  He is now a  fully fledged ‘Permanent Refugee’ living in Canada.  I am working with members of the Refugee Committee from the Unitarian Church of Vancouver. It has been a most interesting and rewarding experience for me.  

That’s about all my chat for now.  Of course, there is always more to share, and always the wonder of how are you doing?  Let’s keep in touch and maybe we will see each other in 2020.  Meantime, good old-fashioned e-mail, for communication and WhatsApp, Facetime and Skype if we want to get close and personal, and all this  for free!

Cheers and the warmest hugs reach your way!



Friday, June 8, 2018

Please contribute to 2018 cancer research!

I've got my bike and helmet, but to guarantee my 2018 Ride success, I need your support. Help me reach my goal!
I am back on my bike and in training again!  This time my efforts are for a worthwhile goal that everyone can relate to. Please support me and the intrepid 'Riders for Ryders team' as we focus on this year's Ride to Conquer Cancer.
In August 2018, we, the 'Riders for Ryders team', along with hundreds of others, will be cycling over 200 kilometres.  Our destination this year is Hope, B.C.  The journey will take two days.   
Funds raised through The Ride for the BC Cancer Foundation will support cancer research, treatment, and services at the BC Cancer Agency which is a leader in cancer research and treatment. 
Please click on the link above for further information and to donate to my ride.  Heartfelt thanks to those of you who have already contributed.
Who never ever gives up!